On July 5, I head to Yangon, Myanmar, to teach a group of pastors about teaching and learning. My work at MSU has focused on technology in education for years. So now I am stepping back in time for technology ... I'll be using overhead transparencies. But I am also stepping forward into a fascinating country where I hope to learn a lot! As I understand it, the culture has a very high regard for elders and for people in authority. It also is very careful not to embarrass or bring shame on others.
I will teach 4 hours a day, Monday to Friday, for 2 weeks, staring Monday, July 7. I travel home on July 20-21. I hope to update the blog periodically with my experiences.
I would appreciate prayer for health, for lots of learning by me and those in class, and for good fellowship with fellow believers.
In case you are interested:
CIA World Factbook info: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/bm.html
Map: http://goo.gl/maps/hcID3
Thanks, John! We'll be following!